January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone, and welcome to 2011! Today is the first day back to work after a very enjoyable holiday season, and while I'm sad to see the holidays come to an end, I am so thrilled to be embracing this new year and returning to a normal routine!

So far, this year is off to a great start for us! We celebrated New Year's Eve at my sister's house. This year we kept all three kids up to watch the ball drop. My sister's two kids did GREAT, but Angelica ushered in the new year with a temper tantrum. About five minutes after the ball dropped, she promptly passed out in Scott's arms, as you may have seen on my Twitter feed, where I tweeted the following picture:

Happy New Year, Angelica!

The next day we started getting our resolutions in order. Yes, I am one of those people. I make resolutions every year. This year, my resolutions include:
  • Continue losing weight, reaching a healthy BMI by the end of the year.
  • Continue our debt snowball, paying off the credit card portion of our debt by the end of the year.
  • Find more joy in motherhood. Please don't get me wrong, I LOVE being Angelica's mom...it is the best part of my life...but I find myself getting caught up in the day to day -- the tantrums, the power struggles, the normal two year old behavior -- and forget to take time to cherish this time.
  • Have more date nights with the hubby.
  • Get more involved in our church. I've already started this by signing up for a course hosted by our Reverend on UU Parenting, but I'd like to get involved in some other groups...and maybe even become an official church member this year.
  • Complete a Project 365. Last year I made it to mid-April and then failed. This year, I'm doing "365 Days of Angelica". Surprising theme, right? (Yeah, right!). I've gotten days 1 and 2 done, just need to get them off the camera!
So those are the resolutions! Whew. Glad I got that out of the way. And please, if you want to make fun of me in six months when I'm all like, "OMG, I made all of those resolutions, what happened?" FEEL FREE.

Yesterday we wrapped up our holiday season with my nephew's FOURTH birthday party! He was born two days after Christmas four years ago, but with the odd ways the days fell this year, it made much more sense to do his birthday this past weekend. My sister went into labor on Dec. 26 that year, and I still remember sitting up in the hospital all night long waiting for him to be born. He finally came the next morning. I can't believe that was four years ago. I love my little Willy-man!

I have tons and tons of pictures from the party, but those will have to wait for another day.

2010 was a phenomenal year -- can't wait to see what this year will bring! (BTW, a new weight loss "series" is coming -- look for that post soon!)

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