March 1, 2011

Running My Butt Off: Week 9

The above picture is me, ten years ago. 110 pounds ago. I was about 145 pounds here. A size 8. And you know what, I thought I was fat back then. I want to go smack that 21 year old version of myself. I'm sure she'd be laughing her skinny butt off at me for actually wanting that body back. (You know, I don't even think I could get my body into that position right now if I wanted to!)

It's March 1st! And I WILL LOSE EIGHT POUNDS THIS MONTH. I have been focusing so much on the big picture, that big, daunting, scary 100+ pound weight loss that I think I'm losing steam. So, for now I'm just focusing on March. And in March, I will bid a very fond farewell to eight solid pounds.

Let's recap where we are now:
Week 1: 257
Week 2: 254 (-3)
Week 3: 254 (-0)
Week 4: 254 (-0)
Week 5: 252 (-2)
Week 8: 251 (-1)
Week 9: 252 (+1)

Waaaah. Waaaah. Waaaah. I gained a pound. I could go on all day making excuses but seriously, let me just be honest. I didn't track my food even once last week and I am sure there are days where I ate way too much. Today I took out my trusty food journal again, dusted it off and actually wrote down my breakfast and lunch in it. I haven't figured out dinner yet but I WILL write that down too.

On the UP side, I really did start running again last week! As of yesterday I officially completed the Couch to 5k Week 2, Day 1. So, even if I gained a stupid pound last week, at least I can say that I worked out. GO me!

So I'll leave it here. This month is going to be great, and I am going to kick those eight pounds right to the curb!


Heather said...

You are doing great! I weigh a bit more than you. Wish we lived close and we could tackle this together!

I enjoy running as well (well if you could call what I do running, LOL), but can't find anyone to run with.

LeeAnn said...

Wow! That is a great motivational picture. I think my 21 year old self would laugh at me too for wanting that body back. :-)

Keep at it. You'll get there.

Lisa Noel said...

i have even more to lose than you (like double) but for me its not about the numbers as about being healthy and having the energy to do what i want. i need to start moving so I can get back to where I need to be that way.

Shauna said...

Awesome! I am new here and hope you come visit and follow me too! Have a beautiful day! :) Shauna