July 7, 2008

Angelica's Mommy Thinks About Emotions

Before I start on the meat of this entry, check out this cute picture of Angelica from the 4th of July! She's become quite the charmer. She had such a good time at the party we went to...didn't even cry during the fireworks!


One of the things that I've found about parenthood (or at least motherhood, I can't speak for Scott) is the shift in emotions. I've struggled with a lot of change over the past few years and dealt with a lot of negative situations and somewhere in there I lost the fundamental ability to see the silver lining in every situation, and lost touch with my emotions - a big part of which was my overwhelming optimism.

I think being a mom has completely overhauled that whole way of thinking. For Angelica, I have to look for the silver lining all the time so that she will learn to see the good in the world - especially in the tough times in which she's being raised. Because I'm in tune with her emotions, I've become more in tune with my own. And because of both of those, I've become more in touch with myself. And all of this combined has done wonders for my self esteem.

If I can find the silver lining in a day where I've had no sleep, I feel sick, haven't eaten, and still been able to soothe a crying, colicky baby, well - there really isn't anything that I can't do!

As challenging as they have been, I'm truly going to miss these days when I go back to work on the 17th.

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