August 18, 2008

Angelica's exciting weekend!

Just re-titled the journal..."Grow, Jellybean, Grow" just doesn't seem like an appropriate title anymore (though we still call her the Jellybean, or Jellybelly, or Gellie as a nickname for Angelica). I think the new title fits well.

It was an exciting weekend for our sweet baby girl!

First of all, I'm proud to admit that we have had our first full-fledged giggles. They seem to happen whenever I've been away for awhile (at work or doing stuff around the house) and she sees me...she lets out a big grin and giggles. She also does it when she's playing with Learning Puppy.

But, in looking at the picture, you can see she has become quite the happy baby...her days are full of smiles just like that one! Being her mom was such a joy before, but those smiles are just about the most rewarding thing I've ever seen.

Next comes the big news! We spent Saturday afternoon at Stefanie and Will's to celebrate my mom's birthday, and visit with Willy and baby Anna, who was battling a bad case of jaundice but improving by the hour. We had dinner at their place, and Scott and I took turns eating so one of us could entertain Angelica (she gets bored easily, and when she's bored she gets very ticked off). While I was eating, Scott was playing with her on the floor...and she completely rolled herself over, back to stomach! I'm talking concentrated effort definitely took her a few minutes, but once she got over she pushed herself up on her arms and then screamed out in anger (she hates being on her stomach). But, YAY, go baby girl! Way to hit those milestones a couple of months early!

While we were over there, I got some great snapshots of the new family and of the three kids together, but I haven't gotten a chance to upload them yet. I'll have to save that for another post. It's still hard for me to believe that Angelica was ever as small as little Anna is...I don't feel like she's grown that much until I see them side by side!

Also in exciting news, Angelica is definitely showing an interest in sitting up. I first noticed it when she was in her car seat, she started doing "crunches" trying to sit up, but the straps held her back. Later on that evening, I laid down in bed with her to take a nap (no lectures about the "dangers of cosleeping" please...I do everything "they" say to do to make it safe) and she started doing it again, in I propped her up on a couple of pillows, and she eventually pulled herself up and flopped over on her face! I think if she had just a little more coordination in her hands, she'd be propping herself up with one hand (tripodding) to stay seated. This kid is getting mobile way too fast for me!

Speaking of hands, now that she's fully discovered them, they are in her mouth pretty much all the time. She still hates the pacifier, but she loves her thumb...I have to fight with it to get a bottle in her mouth. It's cute to watch her suck her thumb, but it's not so cute when she shoves her whole hand in her mouth and gags herself and spits up on me. (Especially when I'm holding her over my head and she spits up in my mouth like she did this morning. I had no idea how sweet tasting formula was until today! Ick!)

She's going to be 3 months old next hard to believe it. She'll also start daycare next week, which will be an adventure for me moreso than her. At least she'll only be a mile away, so if (when) I get babysick (like I always do) I can run up there and feed her a baba.

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