October 19, 2008

Angelica's trip to the park...plus new tricks!

Two great things to report from this weekend!

First and foremost...this is adorable and kills me every time she does it...Angelica makes raspberries now! This started a few days ago, but now she is full-on, sticking her tongue WAY out and making raspberries at us. I'm guessing she does this because I used to do it to her all the time to get her to smile. She must think it's some form of primitive communication. It is HILARIOUS though, especially since she is so blatant and deliberate when she does it.

Also, this weekend she discovered that she has hair! She is fascinated by this discovery. Whenever she's reclined and getting a bottle, she always has one hand on the bottle and the other on the top of her head, just playing with her hair. It's super cute!

So, those are her two new milestones. She's also doing incredibly well with the solids. She even grabs the spoon away from me and puts it in her own mouth. I guess I don't do it right. :)

Here are some pictures to enjoy from this weekend. We took a trip this afternoon to Lake Eola park with my sister, brother in law, and their kids. Here are a few shots to enjoy of Miss Angelica taking in an afternoon at the park!

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