November 3, 2008

274 (-0, total lbs lost: 3)

Bad news: I didn't lose any weight this week.
Good news: I didn't gain any weight this week.

I'll admit I went way off plan over the weekend. I threw caution to the wind and ate just about everything I shouldn't have, and got very little exercising (other than canvassing for about an hour and a half on Saturday). The good news is that my poor eating didn't include lots of Halloween candy, mainly because I only bought a bag of smarties, which I only sort of like so the temptation wasn't huge. (I did eat a few though.)

So let's evaluate last week's goals:

- Don't drink your calories! (One glass of orange juice, and one cup of coffee with splenda and creamer excepted): (B) Did very well at this, but still needs a little work. I slipped and had a few (full sugar, full fat) lattes from Starbucks and ordered Coke when we went out instead of Diet Coke.

- Start food journal - fill it out at LEAST three days.: (B) Did very well at this too. Recorded breakfast and lunch for four days...somehow never managed to record dinners.

- Start exercise - work out at LEAST three days for 30 minutes/day. (A) This one I have to give myself an A for, because even on the days when I was exhausted, or the baby wasn't necessarily cooperating, I still got out there and walked for at least 30 minutes on 3 different days.

This week's goals:
- Continue the first two of last week's goals and strive for (A) effort!
- Continue exercise...strive to walk for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, and add an exercise DVD 2 times a week.
- Aim for 5 servings of fruit/vegetables a day. Glass of orange juice accounts for 1 serving. The other four servings should be divided into 2 servings of fruit, 2 servings of vegetables to gain equal balance.

So, off into the world I go!

1 comment:

Ehm Aye Why said...

i dreamt about you last night. we went for a walk together lol. i think it's a hint... at least for me ha ha. good idea with the exercise dvd. i always forget them and complain about the gym being closed. congrads on sticking to your goals. i guess it's time for me to make some lol