November 6, 2008

First big workout

I did Tae-Bo for the first time since before I was pregnant today.

Little background: I was a Tae-Bo junkie from 1999-2001. In that time I lost over 80 pounds and looked and felt fabulous. I had gotten to the point where the workouts felt easy. Then I met my husband.

I've gained 130 lbs since then. Yes. I've gained almost an entire ME since we met (I was just under 140 when we met).

Anyway, the workout was SO HARD. I was gasping for breath, lightheaded and kept losing my balance, but now that it's over I feel FANTASTIC. I'm sure this will catch up with me in the morning.

And on that note I'm going to bed.


Ehm Aye Why said...

congrads!!!! I'm going to buy a tae-bo dvd rofl. any recommendations? I used to love kickboxing...

Andrea said...

The ones I use are the Tae Bo "Get Ripped" DVD, or the Tae Bo Live collection...also, the Tae Bo Bootcamp (it comes in a box with resistance bands) is really tough...I used to do it all the time but it's too hard for me right now so I'm building up to it again :)