December 18, 2008

Angelica's trip to Arnold Palmer

Just a little update following our visit to Arnold Palmer children's hospital today for Angelica's kidney/bladder testing. We got there around 8:30 this morning (okay, we were scheduled for 8:30 but those of you who know me know we didn't actually get there until around 8:50) and finally got seen at around 9:30 and were completely done by about 11:30.

The first test they did was a VCUG, which required yet another catheterization (good times...that part in and of itself took about a half hour because she's so young and was so incredibly upset, they couldn't get the catheter in until about five people had tried five times...even though they did restrain her...the actual test took about 5 minutes once she was catheterized). During this test, they found that she has a condition called vesicoureteral reflux...essentially, her bladder is refluxing back up to both kidneys. On the right side, it's grade III reflux, and on the left, it's grade II reflux (they rate it on a scale of I to V). Also, on the right side, she's got something called a duplicated system. Essentially, her bladder is refluxing back up to both kidneys. On the right side, it's grade III reflux, and on the left, it's grade II reflux (they rate it on a scale of I to V). Also, on the right side, she's got something called a duplicated system. Essentially, she's got two tubes coming from her kidney instead of one. They fuse together right before they reach her bladder. They think she may also have it on the left side, but had to send the urology films off for further review. Nevertheless, this is what caused her UTI about a month and a half ago.

The second test was just a renal ultrasound, which still made her completely miserable but was thankfully much quicker and less invasive.

So, the plan from here is to put her back on prophylactic antibiotics and after the holidays we'll go visit a pediatric urologist (we have to wait to get the referral before we can schedule it). Her pediatrician told me that in most cases, kids outgrow it the reflux, but the duplicated system is something that may or may not require surgery (which is why we have to see the urologist).

Anyway, the good news is that all of this sounds a lot worse than it is, and she's going to be fine. The bad news is that it means more tests that are going to make her unhappy and uncomfortable. (Also the prospect of surgery and dealing with insurance crap...never fun.)

Also, interestingly enough, as I was reading up on the condition, I learned that this problem happens more commonly in girls than boys, and also more commonly in girls who have red hair. Also, not that we're currently planning on having future children, the condition is genetic and any siblings she may have will have a 1 in 3 chance of also having the condition.

The nice people at Arnold Palmer also gave her two beanie babies which she loves :)

So, that's the update for now. Will post more updates when we have them.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday!

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