April 27, 2009

A Memo to Angelica #1

Fellow mommy blogger BabyRabies is hosting a weekly "Memos from Mommy" contest. My contribution this week is as follows:

Dear Angelica,
Yesterday I watched you play with the other "big kids" in the mall playground and was amazed. You'll be a year old next month and you looked like a real little girl, which I know sounds silly. Of course you're real. But I couldn't help but think, that's not my baby. I even said to Daddy, "That's not my baby" because of course, you're growing out of that baby stage and into being a full-fledged little girl. You ran around and held your own amongst a sea of other little boys and little girls. You made me proud. But forgive me if, when I look at you, I always see your little pink face sticking out of the blanket as I held you for the first time.



Jill said...

Thanks for posting! Your MFM was so sweet and touching. Kendall will be 1 at the end of the week and it's so hard/exciting/bittersweet to see him becoming a "real live" little boy. I totally related to everything you said.

andrea said...

Thank you so much! Angelica will be 1 at the end of May so we're coming right up on that first birthday too. So hard to think of her as being a little girl instead of a helpless little baby :)