April 22, 2009

The Video Game Discussion

My dearest husband, Scott, and I just shared the following exchange.

Me: (Noticing Scott in the kitchen) Why don't you relax and play some video games.

Him: No, I have to do chores.

Me: No, seriously, go play some video games.

Him: But whyyyy???

Me: Because you've done the dishes all week, it's my turn. Go play some video games.

Him: But whyyyy???


I may be embellishing a little bit, but seriously - if your wife is telling you to go play a video game, GO PLAY IT.

As I frequent mommy message boards and other mom blogs, I notice a lot of griping about husbands playing video games all the time and not helping out with the household duties and baby care. I have the opposite problem. My husband is AWESOME around the house and with the baby and takes good care of us, but won't do anything for himself. So tonight, when he said he wanted to play video games, I told him to do it. Then I come out and find him starting to clean the kitchen, resulting in the aforementioned disagreement.

I won, by the way. He's sitting on the couch playing something on the Playstation 3. And I'm wrapping up a homework assignment and will be cleaning the kitchen shortly. And I will be glad to do it.

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