May 21, 2009

Operation Lose the Baby Weight: Week 1 Results

First of all, apologies for the brief hiatus. Life and times with a toddler can get pretty hectic, and with all of the other things going on in our, school, preparing for Angelica's first birthday (next week!) Superdad Scott putting in some long hours at his job, preparing to move next month, trying to overhaul my whole lifestyle...blogging took a back seat. (And I know I'm preaching to the choir here!) But never fear! I am now returning to my regularly scheduled but previously preempted blogging.

Starting next week this will probably be a video blog series - time didn't permit me to record the video I wanted to record this week, but I wanted to go ahead and get something posted.

So let's get this out of the way first:
WEEK 1: SUCCESS! -5.4 pounds!

This 5.4 pound loss is really over the course of ten days. I started the Operation Lose The Baby Weight "program" about 11 days ago, on a Monday, but designated Wednesday as my official "weigh-in" day. (Because really, who wants to wake up Monday morning and get on the scale first thing? That could get the week off to a bad start, depending on the results!)

So how did I do it? Well, not with any amount of precision. The first week of making any big change in lifestyle is pretty difficult and so I had to employ copious amounts of patience and restraint. Restraint from eating the chocolate doughnut...restraint from yelling at myself for caving in and eating said chocolate doughnut...restraint from saying, "Hey, I already ate one, why not have another?" It is a vicious cycle.

In order to have guidelines from which to begin rebuilding the healthy lifestyle, I signed up for the Weight Watchers Online program. I'm no stranger to Weight Watchers. I was a member years ago, attending meetings and did pretty well on it. With a know how it is...adding in the weekly meetings to my schedule was just daunting. So I didn't. I'm giving it 30 days and if I "fall off the wagon" then I'll have to reevaluate. So far, so good though.

Now I won't say I was perfect for the first week -- oh no. (See the previous reference to a chocolate doughnut!) But having these guidelines in the back of my mind helped steer me in the right direction, and thankfully, I ended up with a loss instead of a gain (and a pretty good loss at that).

So what's on the agenda for this week? EXERCISE. Last week I focused solely on breaking the cycle of eating unhealthy foods, this week, I'm striving to work in at least three days of exercise. SuperScott is picking up a copy of EA Active for me possibly later this week and I'll give that a try. (I have Wii Fit but I want something a little more challenging.) So far I'm at a whopping ZERO days, but today is only day 2 of week 2.

My first non-scale goal is to be able to wear my wedding band by our four year wedding anniversary - July 5th. I haven't been able to put it on since I was 5 months pregnant with Angelica and I miss it.

Tune in next Wednesday for what will hopefully be the first video blog (and here's hoping for more good news)!

1 comment:

Tuesday Timesavers: Lose the Baby Weight With Weight Watchers Online | Minute For Mom said...

[...] Timesavers will be about Weight Watchers Online! If you’ve read my post about my quest to lose the baby weight you’ll know that I’ve now been on the program for a month. To give a little preview of [...]