June 10, 2009

Operation Lose the Baby Weight: Month 1 Results

So the other day, I preemptively stated that I lost nine pounds.

Well, due to a combination of being sick last week, recovering, recovering the appetite I had lost during the time I was sick, and hormones galore (ladies, you know what I mean), I stepped on the scale this morning for the official weekly weigh in...

And I had gained back two pounds.


After a month of being on Weight Watchers, I'm still lucky enough to report a weight loss of seven pounds though! That's just under two pounds a week if I'm not mistaken. I'll take it!

I'm realizing that I need to get a game plan going for the next month. I need to carve out a routine for exercise, I need to be more diligent about watching what I eat. So, for the next 30 days, that's my goal. I'm excited to see where that lands me in another month!