October 29, 2009

Nick Jr. Scares My Child

For Halloween, Nick Jr. (formerly Noggin) has been playing their Halloween-themed "I Don't Like Candy Corn" video. While most things on Nick Jr. are entertaining and fun for Angelica (particularly Dora the Explorer and Nihao Kai-Lan), this particular video is not entertaining to her. At all.

It is so not entertaining that we have to be very careful during the breaks between shows to have the remote control handy to either change the channel or fast-forward (if the show is on our DVR). This video scares the living daylights out of her. If she even thinks the video might be coming on, she runs screaming and crying into my arms.

I have to admit, I was surprised by this at first. Nick Jr. is geared toward kids who are Angelica's age, so what in the world could possibly be so scary about this video? Having never gotten all the way through it (thanks to the screaming/crying that follows its appearance on our TV), I remained curious until I looked the video up on YouTube.

Yep, if I were a year and a half old, this might scare the pants off of me.

Not to say that Nick Jr. should change their programming or remove the video. Quite the contrary -- it's a cute video and for kids who are a little older than mine, it's probably enjoyable. This is just one of those opportunities for mommy take the initiative to change the channel.

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