May 22, 2010

Angelica and her bandaids

About a month ago, after we moved into our new house, Angelica was reveling in the fact that we left the back door open for her to run in and out, in and out, in and out. (Scott and I were both outside so we could see her.) Well, as was sure to happen when a toddler is running around, she tripped and fell. Unfortunately, she tripped over the track to the sliding glass door and landed knee-first on the outdoor pavement and skinned her knee right up.

And she cried, and cried, and cried. And screamed. And then cried some more.

She has always been one to refuse being touched when she's hurt, but this was bad enough that I wanted to make sure it got cleaned and bandaged, so I broke out the Dora the Explorer bandaids and fought her tooth and nail to get that knee cleaned off and get the bandaid on it.

And then she screamed because she had a bandaid on and tried to rip it off. But we stopped her.

Oddly enough, ever since that day, she has been obsessed with bandaids...especially those of the Dora variety. Every single day, boo-boo or not, she asks for a Dora bandaid. And I put one on her. And the next day at some point, it falls off, and when she gets picked up after school she asks for one, and I put it on again. But it always has to go on the knee that I put it on that one day a month ago.

On Thursday, she actually wound up having a genuine boo-boo on her OTHER knee (another knee scrape...par for the course at this age it seems) so I opened the box of Dora bandaids and there was only one left. Oh, the horrors. She did NOT want me to put it on her boo-boo, but I did.

And Friday, we were all out. And she was bandaid-less. And FURIOUS about it.

Today we made a trip to Target (the point being to shop for her birthday, but also to retrieve the oh so necessary Dora bandaids) and before we could even get to the cash register, she had ripped open that box and demanded that I put one on her...even though her boo-boos are all healed.

The funny thing is, most kids will ask their mommies to kiss their boo-boos to make them better. Angelica always says, "No, Angelica kiss it better!" and then kisses her knee, and puts on her own bandaid. And then puts the wrapper in the trash. Without my asking.

Oh, my independent, clean-and-tidy, wonderful little girl.

As an aside, I had blood drawn this week and she insisted on kissing MY boo-boos all better over and over again. What a sweetheart.


Joni said...

I am a new follower. I look forward to reading more about a new blog friend. Hope to see you over at my place sometime. Come by to say hi and become a follower.

I blog about parenthood, crafts, recipes, and photography. Every Friday I do a series called Fat Butt Friday where I share weight loss tips, recipes, and my own personal struggles to lose weight. Occasionally I offer giveaways too.

LeeAnn said...

Rylie loves band-aids! We have the Dora and Hello Kitty varieties. The only problem with putting a band-aid on her is that she won't let us take them off. Ever.

Two year olds are so funny! I can totally see Angelica kissing her own boo boos. Cute!