May 19, 2010

Angelica's Favorite Videos

I know I've discussed at length Angelica's love for all things Dora, and maybe alluded to her recent love of all things Mickey Mouse. But what you may not know is that she absolutely loves watching videos on YouTube. A few weeks ago, my sister introduced us to some videos that my niece and nephew love, and we had a big danceathon in our playroom as a result. Since then, Angelica asks to watch these videos on a daily basis. I think yesterday we watched the Cat Flushing a Toilet video about 10 times, and the Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom video about 200. (Okay, maybe more like 20 but after awhile it felt like 200!)

Then there is this eerily creepy video of Elmo's daddy teaching him to use the potty that she loves. It must be working because the other night, we were playing and she jumped up, yelled "Angelica go potty!", ran to the bathroom, lifted the toilet lid, yanked off her pants and then proceeded to poop in her diaper. She didn't make it in time (obviously!) but I was so proud of her for knowing she needed to go. Maybe we'll be entering the world of toilet training in the near future...

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Oh my gosh. I didn't know Angelica had a YouTube obsession too! Find all of the videos of the Chick-Fil-A cows swimming and going down slides...those are Rylie's favorites!