May 17, 2010

McFatty Monday: Week 1 Results

If you heard a deranged redhead cheering and singing the closing theme to Dora the Explorer at the top of her lungs this morning ("We did it! We did it! We did it, yay!"), you were hearing me after hopping on the scale this morning.

I started last week at 255. This morning I weighed in at 252. A grand three pound weight loss! That's exactly what I was hoping for this week, I am so excited!

That's a screen shot of my progress report from Sparkpeople. The red goal line is my pre-pregnancy weight of 244. That's my first mini-goal and it's only eight pounds away! According to Sparkpeople, if I continue losing at a healthy rate of 2.5lbs/week, I'll reach that goal by June 9. And I will. Oh, I will!

This week, I learned something about myself that I never knew before, too. I LOVE LOVE LOVE walking. I've always wanted to be a runner, but at 250+ my knees simply can't handle it. Believe me, I've tried. There was this one time I tried to do a 5k. It was before I was pregnant, but hovering around 230lbs and it took me an hour and 45 minutes to complete. SO disappointing. I came in last. A guy on crutches finished before me!

I never thought that walking would really be effective, but I seriously work up a sweat and it's wonderful!

I'm proud to say that I literally walked every single day last week, finishing at a total of 9.88 miles for the week. I plan to continue that this week! Walking is such a release. It's something I CAN do, something I LOVE to do, and it gives me some of that valuable "me" time to collect my thoughts and de-stress. Plus, maybe I'll graduate to running...someday.

By the end of the week, I had crafted a playlist to listen to while walking as well. Music is a motivator for me and I found songs that keep me focused and connected to my purpose:

1. Be Good Until Then: Butch Walker (a song that makes me think about some of the life lessons I want to pass on to my daughter)
2. Emergency - Paramore

Workout period:
3. I've Got a Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
4. Imma Be - Black Eyed Peas (these two are just high-energy songs that get my adrenaline going. Plus, I have a girl crush on Fergie.)
5. Touchdown Turnaround - Hellogoodbye (reminds me of that fateful 5K I mentioned earlier, because I "trained" to this album all the time)
6. In My Arms (Kaskade remix) - Plumb (also makes me think of my little girl)
7. Tidal Wave - Owl City (A song that gives me hope.)
8. Break Out, Break Out - All Time Low (Same as above.)

10. Lucky - Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait (makes me think of my wonderful hubby, who seriously is my best friend. I am lucky to have a fairy-tale relationship!)
11. All-American Girl - Carrie Underwood (A song I used to listen to all the time when Angelica was a teeny tiny baby.)

Tune in next week for more exciting results!


LeeAnn said...

Congratulations Andrea! I can sense your excitement through your post and I know you are going to be very successful with your weight loss! I think it is great that you have set up mini-goals because you will get to feel that sense of accomplishment along the way. You're doing great!

Lisa said...

Awesome job! I just started McFM this week. I was thinking of signing up for Sparkpeople - do you like it? I tried to join Nutrisystem for their free tools but it was going nuts on me!

Good luck with next week!

Andrea said...

Hi Karma-Dee! I absolutely love Sparkpeople. I find it really easy to use. Their points system (where you get points for doing various things on the site) can get to be time-consuming, so I just collect the "points" casually and don't stress about it, and just worry about using the nutrition/exercise trackers. Good luck with McFM!