May 10, 2010

McFatty Monday - Week 1

I am joining some of my wonderful friends (including you, LeeAnn!) on the McFatty Monday journey. Being the McFattiest of all my friends, it only seems appropriate. And what a way to make a return to blogging after almost a month-long hiatus.

So, we moved. And moving is of course a very grueling process, which thankfully we were able to quickly complete with the help of some very kind friends and family. (Well, aside from a few odds and ends left at the old place.) Unfortunately with the move came the return of some BAD HABITS.

The week before the move I was at 9 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight (which was a whopping 244 lbs.) Today, at 255, I'm at 11 pounds above my pre-pregnancy weight.

My GOAL weight is 145. As you can see, I have 110lbs to go.


Now, about three months ago I became a vegetarian, which changed my eating habits drastically. Gone were the days of being able to hit the fast food joints and pick up a burger. That helped me lose 5 lbs.

Unfortunately there are a lot of non-healthy things that are vegetarian, and I was having trouble working vegetables and fruit into my diet. (A vegetarian who DOESN'T EAT VEGETABLES? Who would have ever thought that possible?) So the past two weeks I've been easing myself back into eating veggies and fruit.

My goal for this week though is to add some physical activity back into the routine, and to stop eating the crap that keeps me from reaping the health benefits of being vegetarian. Today, I have already hiked it up and down the sidewalk to the tune of TWO MILES. Let's see if we can keep it up.

Edited to add...To put a more positive spin on things, I have lost 30 pounds since I began my weight loss journey. I think that's pretty significant, even if it has been over the course of 18 months!


LeeAnn said...

Welcome to the "McFatty" fun! I think it is great that we can all support each other this way.

Congratulations on your weight loss thus far! Who cares how long it took? You lost it and that is all that matters. Great job!

Reagan and Trevor's Mommy said...

Dang - you guys are shaming me into this - LOL - guess I need to buy a scale and get on the boat before I am left behind. :-)