May 25, 2010

Top Two Tuesday - Dates

This week's Top Two Tuesday asks what our top two favorite dates are.

1. My first date with Scott was the best date ever. We went to the beach, walked along in the sand and shared our first kiss under the springtime sun. We skipped seashells in the ocean. We "built" sand castles. We chased each other up and down the shore. He almost stepped in a jellyfish. He threw me, butt-first in the ocean. With all my clothes on...they took forever to dry! (Oh, and if you ask him, I "fell"...never mind that he had scooped me up and ran directly toward the water and then THREW me. I was much skinnier then. Oh, and yes, and I still married the guy!) After the sun went down, we went to a movie. We got to the theater way early so we just sat in the car talking. And talking. And talking. About just about anything you can imagine. It was so cool because we were so immediately comfortable with each other, like we had known each other for years. I still remember it all in detail, even though it was almost a decade ago.

2. We went on a Fourth of July outing with family about a year after we were engaged. It was actually the day before the day we had originally planned to get married (we got married that same day two years later.) It was on the beach (I guess I like the beach a lot more than I thought?) and the fireworks were out on the ocean. We were at a rough patch in our relationship (hence the wedding being postponed) but this date was wonderful. As the fireworks were going off, we talked about the problems we were having, the things we loved about each other, and what we could do to make things better. At the end of the night, he said, "Nothing else matters as long as it comes back to the 'me and you' part of things." His saying that meant everything to me and whenever I'm having a bad day, I think of that...because really, no matter what happens, as long as we have each other (and Angelica!) that's all that really matters. I won't say things got immediately better after that, but we are VERY happily married now so it did all work out in the end!

And so there we have it, the two best dates I've ever been on. Also ranking up there: the day we got engaged, the day we got married, and our honey moon :)


Unknown said...

What awesome days! :) It sounds like it worked out well for you!

The Undomestic Mom said...

aww I love it!