June 17, 2010

Indoor Activities for Florida's Rainy Season

First of all, thank you and welcome to all of my new followers! I loved getting your comments over the past couple of days, and I am going back to check your blogs out and follow you as well!

It's the rainy season again here in Central Florida...the time of the year when you can set the clock by the 3 pm rain storms. In my pre-baby days, these were the days where I'd go home, snuggle up on the couch with a blanket and read a book or watch some television (or, take a nap!).

Now that I have a toddler, things are not quite that easy. During the week, I'm fortunate to be a working mom, knowing that my daughter is in the capable hands of her daycare teachers, engaging her mind with fun, indoor activities. But in the evenings and on weekends, it can be a challenge to keep her entertained when we can't go outside. (And believe me, she asks to go outside a lot!)

So what do we do? Here are a few of the indoor things we have been doing lately that keep her entertained.
- Reading books
- Painting
- Play Doh
- Coloring Books
- Stickers
- "Educational" TV (WordWorld, Sesame Street, even Dora the Explorer to an extent...hey, that's how she learned to count in Spanish!)
- Playing "dress-up"
- Playing "computer games" -- Check out SesameStreet.org, they have some that are appropriate for every age level. Angelica loves Elmo's Keyboard-o-Rama and the Toddler: Wheels on the Bus games.

What do you do to keep your toddler entertained when it's raining outside? I could use some new ideas!


Anonymous said...

nice to meet you. Just found your blog through Friendly Friday. I used to live in Florida so rainy season is no fun. We just received the Crayola Chalkboard puzzle, which is a huge floor puzzle that you can color on with chalk once it's finished. This is a great indoor activity for all kids. We also like to bake on rainy days. We do many of the activities you do as well. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Unknown said...

Really cute blog!
Love the garden photos!
Cute girl :)
Following you, come do the same :)
Happy Friday!

Robyn Jones said...

I'm lucky...my kiddos do afternoon naps...Love them..it is the only time I ever get anything done around here...LOL! Following your blog now! Have a great weekend...

Amanda Tempel said...

Hey there :)
I'm a new follower from FF. I hope youll stop by and follow me too!

Amanda T