June 28, 2010

McFatty Monday: Holding Steady, Sort Of

I lost weight! It was .2 pounds (Taking me from 249.4 to 249.2) but I still lost a little bit. Not the two pounds I was hoping for...but I'll take it!

I'm home sick today, under the weather with the summer cold that I always get. I'm sure it's from running around and running myself into the ground over the past month...that, for sure, had an effect on my immune system. But I'm glad for it. I'm glad for the fact that through the self-study I've done about nutrition, diet, and exercise, I've learned how to listen to my body and learned when I need to stop.

So today, Angelica's at daycare, Scott's at work...I addressed a couple of important work issues but for the rest of the day, I'm taking it easy with the hopes that I'll bounce back quickly and can get back to work tomorrow good as new or at least close to it.

And maybe this week I'll get that 2 pound loss I wanted for last week.

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