June 16, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Scenes From the Garden


allthingsnew said...

@thelifeofrylie suggested I come check out your blog and follow! Great pics :) Makes me want to go hang out in our garden!

Following you now on GFC (stephanierosenhahn)!

Stephanie- Ten Talents

LeeAnn said...

Great pics Andrea! I love the one of Angelica's dirty little face!

Unknown said...

Wow you are such a great photographer. I love the individual pics of flowers. You go girl send them somewhere and get published! Oh and I love that little one of yours with the dirty face. To cute!

alicia said...

Great photos with such detail. Love the water droplets. Happy WW. Thanks for dropping by.

Kristi {at} Live and Love...Out Loud said...

These photos are all awesome! And your little girl? Darling!
Thanks for stopping by and linking up. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

Brandie said...

Please come make my garden look that beautiful. Mine is miserable! ohhh!

Ann On and On... said...

Oh to have a green thumb. *I love your header....

Carly said...

@thelifeofrylie suggested I come check your blog out and i'm glad I did. I'm now your newest follower. Love your WW photos. I wish I had a green thumb even a little would be nice. Beautiful flowers.
Come check out my blog sometime www.WordyOwl.blogspot.com

beingzaraandzidan said...

ooohhh I love the pics. U sure have a green thumb.
I am ur newest follower
Do visit me & i Hope u follow back too.