July 5, 2010

Five Year Anniversary!

Taking a break from the normal Monday-ness (McFatty Monday and Monday Meal Planning) because today is our five year anniversary! Five years ago today I married my best friend and the love of my life, and it's been the greatest adventure I could have ever imagined.

Scott -- If you read this (and you might not, since you're working today), thanks for making this last half-decade the best ever! I've loved growing together with you as friends, as partners, and as parents. Watching the way you are with our daughter reassures me every day that I chose the right man to spend my life with. Angelica is blessed to have a father who is so loving and involved in everything she does, and I'm so lucky to have a husband who is my 50/50 partner in all aspects of our relationship and our role as parents. I'm also so lucky that even after five years of marriage (and almost ten years together) I still get butterflies in my stomach when someone mentions your name or when I see you come up in my email list or caller ID.  I could not ask for more.

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Awwww. Happy Anniversary to you both!