July 19, 2010

McFatty Monday: 248 and Feeling Great

Just as mysteriously as the 3 pounds came on last week, they came right back off. I'm going to assume that something bizarre was going on with my body at last week's weigh-in...especially since this past Wednesday night I came down with some kind of sickness that made me feel like I had been repeatedly hit with a two-by-four by every person in the world. I had a fever of 100+ for four straight days, and today is the first day since Wednesday that I actually feel NORMAL. I have no idea what the sickness was...other than having a sore throat and a fever, I had no other symptoms (and the doctor ruled out strep so that wasn't it either). Regardless, I am back on my feet and glad!

So, along with catching the "whatever it was", I was rendered unable to complete my C25K exercises last week. My routine is Wednesday/Friday/Sunday, so the fever ruled out my being able to complete my runs on W/F. Then, Saturday night we had to make a trip to the ER because my goofy husband decided to jump up and dance around and act like a fool to entertain our daughter...then...tripped over a sippy cup she threw on the floor and sprained his ankle. As a result, Saturday night I got almost no sleep and because he cannot walk, on Sunday, I had to take care of him, entertain Angelica, do the normal Sunday chores we normally team up on, and so on.

This, combined with my stomach not tolerating the antibiotics I'm on for the sickness I had last week, threw off the Monday morning routine so I felt like I had run a marathon before I even made it out the door (late, of course) this morning.

Come Wednesday, I'll be back on the C25K plan and hopefully we'll see good results next week. :)


LeeAnn said...

Yay! Congrats on getting that three pounds back off. The ups and downs of dieting can sure drive you nutty.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Awesome that the pounds came off. Sounds like a terrible weekend. Here is hoping that next weekend will be better :)