July 8, 2010

Open Door Policy

The last two nights have been quite interesting! Apparently, the night before last, Angelica woke up and figured out how to use the doorknob. Our bedroom is directly across the hall from hers, so we were awoken by the screeching of feedback over the baby monitor. Scott got up and saw her standing in the hallway...at 4:30 AM. In his half-asleep fog, he made the mistake of saying..."Do you want to come sleep in our bed?"

At 6 AM, she finally fell back asleep. In the meantime, he slept, while she squirmed, pulled my hair, talked to me, and every time I almost fell back asleep, either pulled my eyes open or pulled my mouth open and stuck her hand in. (Why? No clue.)

Thinking it was a one time thing, I was confident I would get a better night's sleep last night, when lo and behold...4:30 AM, monitor feedback goes off again, and before either of us can get up, she's vaulting herself up and over the side of the bed.

"Hi Mommy!" she says to me.
"Hi baby, let's snuggle and sleep!"

Of course, she only wants to be next to ME. She has been the definitive Mommy's Girl lately, probably since Scott worked so much over the past few months, and she saw him so little. So she snuggled in tight to me, pushing me as close to the edge of the bed as she could...and again, every time I almost fell asleep, she'd talk, pull my hair, pull open my eyes, or stick her hand in my mouth. Sometimes she'd start to drift off, snuggled up next to me and patting my arm, but it wouldn't last long.

Unfortunately, tonight, she didn't fully go back to sleep. She was pretty cranky on the way out the door to daycare so I imagine they're having fun dealing with that.

Luckily, I'm on Mommycation right now, so both days, after Scott dropped her off to daycare and went to work I went back to sleep.

I'm thinking if I don't institute some sort of rule about nighttime, I'll have to expect a lot of these early morning wake up calls. I'm so torn, because I absolutely love being able to snuggle and be with her for a few extra hours in the morning...but I also really, really need adequate sleep!


Susieq said...

Snuggle time was always one of my favorite times but, there have to be rules and limitations.

Tell her she can stay but, only if she goes to sleep and doesn't wake you and Daddy up. If she persists in the hair pulling, talking etc. get up, make sure her diaper is dry, give her a few sips of water and tuck her back into bed, closing the door and not saying a word. Make sure Daddy does his share of putting her back to bed so she sees you both are in agreement.

Of course this isn't going to work the first time and probably not the first 20 times but, she's smart. She will figure it out and will either go to sleep or end up back in her own bed.

LeeAnn said...

I secretly love when Rylie wants to get in bed with us, especially on the weekends, but don't tell Brian that! However, I don't want it to be an every night thing, especially during the week when my alarm goes off before 5 AM. Rylie rarely wakes up during the night, so it usually isn't an issue. But if she ends up in bed with us for two nights in a row (I think it has happened twice), on that third night we let her know that she has to stay in HER bed all night. So far it has worked fine.

If you allow it to become a routine, it will. And that is up to you if you want that to happen. :-)