July 28, 2010

Wednesday Morning Freak Out!

This morning, when I went into Angelica's room to get her up and dressed, before she even got out of bed, she held up her hand and said, calm as can be, "Mommy, my finger is stuck."

Attached to her nearly purple finger was a much loved stuffed animal. A string had come loose and wrapped tightly around her finger. Cue Mommy freak out!

Of course, as soon as I freaked out, her calm demeanor went away and SHE freaked out and wouldn't let me touch it. I grabbed a pair of baby nail clippers (the first object I could find to cut the string) and tried to grab her hand but she would NOT give it up. She kept yelling, "NO! Leave my finger ALONE!"

So I grabbed her arm and held it as firmly as I could without hurting her...and then unclenched her fist to cut string. The whole time she is literally sobbing and saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you" over and over again.

Long story short, I freed the finger and it immediately turned normal color again and was fine. Thank goodness. Her losing a finger or toe to something like that has always been one of my biggest fears.

The well-loved stuffed animal was searched for other loose strings and has been given a clean bill of health as well.


Heather said...

That was definitely a freak out moment!! Glad everything turned out ok. Whew!

LeeAnn said...

OMG I would have totally freaked out too! I read a story once of a baby that had to have a toe amputated because a hair got wrapped around it and cut of circulation for too long. I probably read it in an email and it may have been an urban legend, but it could happen regardless. That is why Rylie is not allowed to wear Silly Bandz or any other kind of ridiculousness to bed. I'm so glad Angelica's finger is OK! Whew!