August 16, 2010

McFatty Monday: One Pound At a Time


I guess I'm now taking it off the same way it came on -- one pound at a time.

Last week I said that I'd be repeating week 3 of Couch to 5k. Well, on Wednesday, I got dressed, laced up my running shoes, walked out the front door, iPod and GPS in hand, locked and ready to go when I noticed...week 3 was GONE from my playlist. So I did what any logical person (HAHA) would do. I did week 4.

I'm glad I did. It was completely exhilarating. I went in feeling like there was NO WAY I would be able to do it. Here's why: I struggled with week 3's workout. And let's compare them:

Week 3:
5 min. warmup
Run 90 seconds
Walk 90 seconds
Run 3 mins
Walk 3 mins
Run 90 seconds
Walk 90 seconds
Run 3 mins
Walk 3 mins

Week 4:
5 min warmup
Run 3 mins
Walk 90 seconds
Run 5 mins
Walk 2 mins, 30 seconds
Run 3 mins
Walk 90 seconds
Run 5 mins

During week 3 I fought with those 3 minute runs, and I went into week 4 thinking there was no way I'd make it through one, much less two, five minute runs.

But I did. I did it two of the three days! (The exception was last night, when I was NOT in a good mood and didn't want to run in the first place but I still went.)

So, we're on to week 5 and halfway through the challenge! WOOHOO! This week is going to be SUPER difficult. It's three different workouts, culminating in a 20 minute non-stop run. I don't think I have ever run twenty minutes straight in my entire life. I'm looking forward to the challenge, though!

This morning, I was listening to Dave Ramsey's podcast when he quoted the phrase "People with goals succeed because they know where they're going." I think that's why this program is working so well for me. I KNOW the goal I'm working toward (both financially, but in terms of this post, physically), and I know how to get there. Progress is being made. :)


LeeAnn said...

You go girl! :-D Seriously, you're doing great! I don't think I could run to the end of my street, let alone for 3 minutes. Congratulations on your progress!

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

I was just getting excited reading about it, so much that now I'm thinking I should get back to mine. Maybe even start it over.

Congrats you are doing awesome!!!!!