August 8, 2010

Weekend Recap

It's been a fun, busy weekend...

Yesterday, Angelica's cousin Anna turned two! I haven't downloaded all of the photos yet, but here's a cute one of Angelica giving the birthday girl a birthday hug:
(Yes, she's overdressed. She insisted on wearing a pretty dress to the party.)

Today was "chore day" and my final run day for the week, but that doesn't mean we didn't have time for cuteness! I was greeted after naptime by Angelica running down the hall, knocking me over, hugging me super tight and saying, "I MISSED you!" I'm still mopping up the remaining parts of my heart that melted in the hallway.

We also bid farewell to our cable boxes today. Goodbye cable, hello extra $80/month!

I'll have a more complete recap of the party later, complete with pictures!

1 comment:

Susieq said...

She was not overdressed. She just has a highly developed sense of style.

Grandma (who bought the dress)