September 23, 2010

And the cycle continues...

So you might have noticed a missing Wordless Wednesday post this week. Here's the backstory! (I will be back for WW next week!)

So, Angelica was back to her normal self on Monday...fever gone and happy as could be. I had gotten up early, worked out, got her ready, got her and Scott out the door and wound up with an upset stomach. After awhile I started to feel better so I got my stuff together and went to work, thinking it was nothing more than the "normal" GI issues I usually have.

Tuesday I woke up feeling off...and by the afternoon I was just flat out in pain. Left work early, headed to the urgent care center, got my vitals checked (normal BP and no fever!), and was preemptively diagnosed with a gallbladder issue (the whole stabbing pain under my right ribcage that was keeping me from being able to fully breathe in because oh my god it hurt). They sent me over to the ER to get an ultrasound done. I called Scott, who informed me that he was also sick (with a fever of 101) but could leave work to get Angelica and find someone to watch her. (I told him to stay home but, no, devoted man he is, he had to come to me!)

By the time I got to the triage at ER, I had a fever. By the time I got put into a room, it was over 101.

Anyway, to make a long story short, the ER was swamped, I got there at 4:30 and left at 11 with prescriptions for Zofran (even though I didn't have nausea) and ibuprofen (which I already had at home), no explanation for what was going on other than "general abdominal pain" and orders to rest because it was probably a virus. I did get that ultrasound of my gallbladder/kidney and was told everything looked "perfect"...shocking for someone whose family history pretty much includes everyone having their gallbladder removed.

And the whole time the mom in me was (silently) screaming, "But my baby! She needs me!" I felt so guilty that I couldn't be there with her...even though my own health was in question at the time. Truth: The best part of my day is the smile on my baby little girl's face when I pick her up from daycare.

Ahh, parenthood. The never-ending cycle of guilt.

(FYI, I was 12 hours fever free and now I think I have what Angelica had over the weekend because it's BAAAACK. And so that cycle continues as well.)

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