November 16, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - November 16

Today I am so thankful for memories. Especially those of my little baby Angelica. Some days my heart aches -- literally -- for another baby, because I remember how wonderful and magical it was to be pregnant with her, to give her life, to bring this beautiful little baby into the world and watch her grow. Every single step along the way I feel like she couldn't be any more amazing, and then...she does something else that absolutely amazes me. Every single thing I remember about her babyhood, her emerging toddlerhood, and even up through present day, is amazing in ways I can't even put into words.  (It's amazing how motherhood allows you to block out the sleepless nights and temper tantrums, right?) I'm so thankful that at each of those steps, I made a conscious effort to tell myself, "Stop, and take this in...because you are going to miss this one day."

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