November 6, 2010

30 Days of Thankfulness - November 6

(Apologies in advance if this post is full of rambling and scattered thoughts. It's been a long day and I am exhausted, and still recovering from a cold so my head is foggy!)

Today, I'm thankful for Dave Ramsey!
I read the Total Money Makeover at the end of last year, and re-read it back in April of this year. Right around that time, we made a lot of big, big changes in our life and I wasn't able to really dive into the plan. But in July, I set up our budget and we have stuck to it like glue...and as of today we have completed Baby Step 1 and really started hitting Baby Step 2 (the Debt Snowball) with a vengeance and it feels GREAT.

This afternoon we went to Dave Ramsey Live at the UCF Arena. While the stuff he talked about was nothing that wasn't in the Total Money Makeover, we got fired up today and paid off one credit card in full and had a credit card cutting party. It's so fulfilling. On the way back from the event, we were talking about how quickly we can see the change happening. Since putting the budget into effect in July, neither of us have worried about money. We know how much we have. We know where it's going. Hell, we TELL our money where it's going. I know Dave says this a lot, but it's true. You think a budget will be binding and restrictive, yet it's very freeing.

He'll tell you this, too -- and it's so true. Nothing he says is what you don't already know. It's nothing new. It's all common sense. But he just has a way of drilling it into your head in a way that motivates you.

Now, I'm not a Christian, so that part of his program I can't buy into. And I'm not conservative, so his politics don't speak to me. But his program does work.

And for the newfound freedom from financial stress, I'm thankful. (And, I am also thankful to my husband for sitting through the five hour seminar, despite his hesitation!)

(Oh, and by the way, if you're on his plan and you go and close out some accounts, be forewarned -- CREDIT CARD COMPANIES WILL FIGHT YOU ON IT. I spent about 10 minutes trying to get the one I paid off today to just close the damn account! What part of "I use cash" don't they get?)

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