December 17, 2010

Pure magic

Last night was truly magical.

For those of you who have affectionate toddlers, this may seem like a weird thing to be excited about, but I actually got hugs and kisses from Angelica tonight. And not just one, either.

For the first six months of her life, she refused to let me put her down. For another year after that, she was glad to be put down to play, but would still snuggle. At about 18 months she decided she was too cool for that and by age two she flat out refused to give hugs and kisses to either one of us. Being a snuggler myself, it's kind of sad that my kid doesn't want to cuddle, but that's just who she is and I love her.

But tonight, she pretended to tuck me into bed on the couch and gave me kisses "goodnight". At bedtime, she called me back for a second hug and kiss as I was leaving. And then on my way out she kept blowing me kisses and saying "I love you!" Over and over and over.

These things just come in bursts, I guess. But it made me so, so happy. She is so amazing.


Sofia's Ideas said...

Oh, I know EXACTLY what you are feeling right now! One of my sons wanted nothing to do with me for the first 2 years of his life! He was all dad all the time. It wasnt until the day I came home from the hospital with his younger brother that he began liking me. And I, too, remember the elation, the magic, when he finally showed me affection!

I am so happy for you! Revel in it! :)

Unknown said...

Sweet moments like that make up for just about anything that they do!

New follower from Hop Along Friday.
