December 26, 2010

The Sickies

Boy has the sickness hit us hard. When we got home last night, I was still voiceless and getting congested, and Scott had a fever and a bad cold. We got Angelica to bed, cleaned up a little, then went to sleep ourselves.

Just as I was finally drifting off (about 2am, I was having a hard time sleeping), I heard Angelica throw up. So I went in and she was just covered from head to toe and wailing. So I stripped her down, stripped the bed down, bathed her and brought her into bed with us...where she threw up again. So I stripped down our bed, wiped her down, sent Scott to the couch and spent the next five hours holding her head while she threw up over and over. She finally collapsed into my arms and fell asleep. Poor baby had nothing left in her stomach and no energy to sit up.

Let me tell you, you have not experienced parenthood until you've held your sobbing, scared two year old against your chest while she pukes all down your arm and chest...and realize later that it didn't even phase you.

She woke up around 9, disoriented and went and fell asleep in the hallway so I moved her to her bed and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. And then we both slept until 1:30 this afternoon.

Poor baby. She's had a couple of small tummy bugs but has never been that sick before.

Fortunately, today she's back to her old self. She's said a few times that her tummy hurts, but she hasn't thrown up. She's eaten soup and drank ginger ale and even snuck a chocolate while I was busy working on the vomit laundry.

Now if Scott and I could just get better...


Mrs. Undomestic said...

I'm so sorry to hear about Angelica! My younger daughter got something very similar on Thanksgiving Night/Black Friday! I was out shopping for her Christmas present (in the middle of the night) when she started so my husband had to deal with it all. She ended up being sick for 5 days, including her 3rd birthday. It's never fun having a really sick kid, especially at that age.

Photography said...

OH I hope you all get well soon. Best wishes from Oz!!