March 19, 2011

Angelica's First Haircut

About a week ago we took Angelica for her VERY FIRST haircut! Yes, at almost three years old, she finally got a haircut for the first time. For the longest time, she had almost no hair at all, and in all honesty, it wasn't really in dire need of a haircut except for the fact that her bangs were getting in her eyes, and it looked pretty shaggy all over.

Seeing as how this is the girl who wants absolutely nothing more than for people to not touch her hair (I practically have to pin her down to get a brush near her hair), I was really surprised at how well she did. We went to a local place that specializes in kids cuts so the atmosphere was right. They put her in the little car, she got to watch Toy Story, eat a lollipop, and didn't even flinch. She didn't fuss. She just sat there and enjoyed it.

When all was said and done, it came out looking really cute! She didn't have much to work with in the first place, and I was really concerned that when it was done, her curls would be gone, and it would be too short and she'd look babyish. Quite the opposite happened though. It looks fuller, and I think she looks even more grown up. And her hair is even curlier (probably since the baby-fine hair at the ends isn't weighing down her "big girl" hair anymore). I think she looks adorable, and she really likes it too.

Now...maybe the rumors will be true and her hair will actually grow faster now? I can only hope. I'm pretty sure she'll be the only three year old girl without enough hair to make a ponytail!

I could go on and on talking about it all, but pictures really say more than words!

The "before" -- playing with some toys while waiting her turn

The first snip

The stylist evens the hair out

Getting gold sparkles in her hair

The finished product! (Once it was dry it was even curlier!)


Ms D said...

Aww! So cute :)

Gina said...


Monique said...


Anonymous said...

I think that's the same lady that cut my daughter's hair last weekend. ;)

It really will grow faster and even a little thicker with a cut. My daughter's first was back in October, and we just took her to get it cut again because she grew in a new layer of hair that we needed to match to the rest of what (little) she had!

TwitterID: Midnite592

LeeAnn said...

Hahahaha. Why am I laughing? Because as soon as I saw the first picture of the lady cutting her hair I thought to myself "I wonder if she tried to sell them a bow and sparkles." LOL She is actually my least favorite there, but she did a great job on Anglica's hair! It looks super cute!

Angelica's Mommy said...

LOL -- we actually got the bow and sparkles for free (this time) -- wonder if we still will in the future. She did try to sell us some ridiculously expensive shampoo and conditioner. It seriously cost more than what I spend for my own shampoo and thanks!