April 1, 2011

Five Question Friday 4/1/11

It's FRIDAY! And time for me to participate in another Five Question Friday! It's been awhile since I've done one of these.

Hope everyone had a great week! Overall, ours was good. We had some bad thunderstorms in the area this week, but today the sun is shining. The forecast says the sun should be sticking around all weekend which means there will be plenty of opportunity for fun, fun, fun, fun! (Rebecca Black, anyone? If you watch that, you can thank me later when the worst song ever is stuck in your head.)

On to this week's fun questions! And don't forget to enter the Boost Your Buzz $1,000 giveaway -- and tell your friends! I'd love to have one of my readers win!

1. Have you ever had surgery?
Twice - I had a c-section with Angelica, and the about a year and a half ago I had surgery to correct tendinitis in my wrist.

2. Ever ride in an ambulance?
Once - when I was about 19, I was at a friend's house when I got hit with some pretty horrific stomach pain, which in hindsight I can now say was definitely the worst pain I've ever had in my life. Worse than childbirth (and I went through 12 hours of unmedicated, induced labor so that's saying a lot). It turned out to be a kidney stone.

3. How are you in a medical emergency? Panicked? Calm?
I'd like to say I'm pretty calm. I'm one of those people who keeps a clear head in an emergency and then freaks out and cries later on.

4. Do you have a garden? Flowers or veggies?
I had flowers last year! This year's garden is in the planning stages -- haven't planted yet but I'm researching what I want to plant. I'm thinking I'll also add some veggies this year.

5. When did you move out of your parents house?
I moved out when I was 19 into my first apartment, downstairs from an ex-boyfriend. It was truly a wake-up call to adulthood.


TIFFANY said...

Stopping by from 5QF.
I'm excited to go back and read your weight loss posts. I'm just starting on my weight loss journey and it's nice to know that I'm not alone. Good luck!

Mom of 12 said...

This looks like a fun blog! I should be wanting to lose weight. After 12 babies I have plenty of extra. Maybe you can be the motivation I need.

Style, Decor & More said...

Angelica's Adorable!!
Love giveaways so I'll be back!
I'm a NEW FOLLOWER from the hop!
Hope you can hop by and visit me:


Lesli said...

Hello from a new follower on the Blog Hop!

I am so excited to be one of the featured bloggers on this week’s Friendly Friday!

I am trying to visit everyone on the hop!

Please feel free to stop by: Put A Little Umbrella In Your Drink

Lesli :D

Things Sent My Way said...

I'm following from the blog hop! Come visit me back!

Michelle @ Things Sent My Way

Ani said...

I don't know about FL girl, but you have to start planting your seedlings early! my moms had her tomatoes on the window sill for weeks! <3