May 4, 2011

In honor of Teacher Appreciation Week

It's Teacher Appreciation Week, and I wanted to share a few thoughts on the special teacher in our lives, Ms. Angela.

Dear Ms. Angela,
THANK YOU for all that you do for Angelica on a daily basis. I can only imagine how challenging it must be to be in charge of a group of seven two year olds five days a week and you always have a great attitude about it. It's your enthusiasm for teaching, even at the daycare level, that proves that teachers are not compensated nearly as well as they should be! When Angelica comes home telling me stories about the things she did during the day, whether it was a song you sang, a new sign learned in sign language, a painting, a movie, or something else new that she learned, the results of your hard work are demonstrated. I also love how you always keep me informed on the things she does, good or bad, so that I can keep an open dialogue with her.

Finally, THANK YOU times a million for your efforts in helping her get potty trained this year! I have no doubts that she would not have been potty trained as quickly without your help!

With her birthday right just a couple of weeks away, I know she'll be moving up to the next group and she will miss you greatly -- as will I! But I am happy to know she'll still see you. Thanks always for your hard work and keep on doing a great job.

With gratitude,
Angelica's Mommy

Got a teacher appreciation story? Link up over at Karen's Healthy Lifestyle!


Karen Greenberg said...

Wow, it sounds like Ms. Angela is a fantastic teacher. Are you going to print this and give it to her? I love how teachers of all levels can make such a difference in the lives of children. I'm so glad Ms. Angela was there for you and Angelica!

Andrea said...

Thanks! Ms. Angela is wonderful...I've always felt she really cares about the kids :) I'm going to write this in a card and give it to her this week!

Deb Chitwood said...

What a sweet post! Ms. Angela will love it! It's true that preschool teachers aren't compensated as they should be (except in love and fulfillment). So happy to hear your daughter is having a wonderful preschool experience! Deb @