May 23, 2011

McFatty Monday: One step forward, two steps back...

So I'm up one today, instead of down two. 257. Should have been 254.

It was a rough week. Being prone to "filling the void" with food, so to speak, I ate my way out of stress, tension, boredom, and frustration. I didn't eat as bad as I normally would, but there was a "milkshake incident", and some very salty (but delicious) popcorn. Plus, I only went running ONCE last week, and even that was only for a brief 20 minutes. I was trying to squeeze it in before dark, so I took Angelica with me in her regular, non-jogging stroller. (I don't own a jogging stroller.)

First, let me say that a regular stroller? NOT GOOD FOR RUNNING.

Second, let me say that Angelica is a BRUTAL trainer. I would get worn out/annoyed with the stroller and stop running and she'd turn around and SCREAM at me, "RUN MOMMY! GO! RUN! You are not RUNNING!"

Oh, and when I was running? "GO FASTER! YOU CAN RUN FASTER, MOMMY!"

Then she got bored and wanted to go to the community playground. I was sufficiently pissed off at the stroller and decided to give in.

The rest of the week is a blur. Scott's work deadlines had him working late, and the Lexapro withdrawal had me feeling "off" -- but honestly, other than feeling a little off, a little tired, and some seriously weird dreams, coming off of it has been a breeze. I haven't had any of the bad side effects you get warned about. And then Friday night I came down with a cold, which I still have.

So I'm not surprised the scale went up. But I'm eager to see it go back down.

My blood pressure is holding steady. Yesterday it was 137/86. I have to go back to the doctor if it starts averaging 140/90 (either number) so I'm within the "safe" range. I even had one reading at 127/68 at one point this weekend. I'm encouraged by that.

That's it, the week in a nutshell!

BTW my good friend LeeAnn has had some AWESOME success this week with Nutrisystem! I saw her on Saturday and she looked fantastic! So go check out her weekly Nutrisystem Nation blogger post and cheer her on!

1 comment:

Sandy @ Journey To Our Home said...

Just found your blog- I need to start dieting and exercising too... but when is there enough time in the day! Kids, working, school?

Keep up your hard work and I'm sure with your trainer- you'll start seeing results again!