July 18, 2011

McFatty Monday 7.18.11 - The Life is Good Edition

You all might remember my previous, emotionally-charged weight loss post from last week. Well, I'm happy to say that things are moving back in the right direction!

Let's talk about the Weight Watchers meeting from last Friday. I joined up to have accountability as far as weighing in. In the past, when I attended meetings, I'd go in, get weighed, and the receptionist would quietly put a sticker in my folder with my weight without saying anything, and send me on my way. It was nice. I was forced to weigh in, I got a record of my number, and all without judgement.

Holy cow, this past Friday was awful, though! I had weighed in before my meeting and was down about half a pound (257.5) so I was happy. Drank a couple glasses of water, got in my car, got to the meeting, jumped on the scale and got my folder with my little sticker with this week's weight.

As I'm getting my shoes back on (and not looking at the receptionist), she whispers, "You're up this week."

"Excuse me?" I reply. I wasn't used to having the receptionist tell me whether it was up or down.

"You're up this week." She replied. And then gave me a cold, judgemental stare, looked me up and down and then made a face at me.

"Um. Okay." I replied and went and sat down in the meeting.

Sure enough, that little sticker said +2! And 260! What the hell? I know in the span of 45 minutes I didn't gain 2.5 pounds. And then I remembered....the water. I drank about 16 ounces of water. So that must have accounted for at least some of the "gain".

This morning I was 256. All of that weight (and then some) has come right back off. I'm not sure what was up with Friday, but I feel good about today. I also followed my trainer's advice and went for a walk this morning. And I have interval training tonight. I love having a plan in place for real, healthy, sustainable weight loss.

I am glad to see that needle moving the right way, and I'm feeling it inside too. I have more energy than I did last week. For example, yesterday, Scott (who, by the way, is down 13 pounds in the last 4 weeks!) and I teamed up to clean our entire house, and we took Angelica to a local splash park, and I didn't bring a swimsuit (because god forbid anyone see my pasty white fatness!) but it was hot. And the "normal" me would just sit on the bench and watch. But Angelica was begging, "Come play with me", and I didn't want to let her down...so damn it, so I ran through the fountains, clothes and all.

And it was AWESOME.


Anonymous said...

A pint (16oz) weighs one pound, so some of your weight did come from the water you drank immediately before your meeting. :(

TwitterID: Midnite592

LeeAnn said...

I love the positive tone of this post! I know you are going to succeed this time because you have such a great attitude about all of it.

I can't stand the feel of wet clothes on my skin, so don't even try to include me on your silliness the next time we are at the splash pad! ;-)