August 2, 2011

Just a few cute things from lately

Apologies to anyone who has been checking for posts. We've all been sick the past week! This post is really just a mishmash of random things Angelica is doing that I've been loving lately and want to get into the blog before I forget them.

* Last Saturday, she grabbed a bandaid, put it on her chin and then said, "What do I look like, a grandpa or something?"

* Her daycare had an open house a few weeks ago, where parents could come and meet the teachers and other parents, and see the classrooms, and all that good stuff. She was SO excited to have me there that she kept asking, "Can you just stay?"

* The other day, I asked her how her day was, and she launched into a story about her day at school that went something like this:

"Today, I wanted to play in dollhouse center with Ellie, but she wassided (decided) to play in housekeeping center. So I wassided to play in dollhouse center by my own self. It's my favorite. I put the kitty in the bathtub, and then Maddie came to play, and then we wassided to go to housekeeping center." For some reason, the word "wassided" just kept cracking me up.

* Also, over the weekend, we had a playdate (we were actually babysitting a friend's son, who is a few months younger than Angelica), and we went to the swimming pool. Angelica can't quite swim yet, but she stood on the side of the pool and jumped off and let us catch her. Every time we got too far away, she'd yell, "Hey, BUSTERMAN! Come back here, BUSTERMAN!"

* We've also come to an accord on how to answer the "how was your day" question. I'm not sure if it has to do with the new daycare she's going to, or if her verbal skills have just come along a little more, but when I ask how her day was, she now actually TELLS me. For the longest time, she would just whine and say, "I don't wanna talk about it!" Lately it seems like, before I can get her into the car, she's launching into a whole tale about how her day went and what she did. For example, yesterday they made the letter A in shaving cream, and she started telling me all about it, how she traced it, and how her teacher said she did a good job, and it was fun.

And then: "And when I wake up tomorrow, I get to wear my bathing suit under my clothes because tomorrow is (whispers)...water day..."

* The other thing that CRACKS ME UP is how she confuses the months with the days of the week. I'll tell her that we're going to go do something, and she'll say "Yeah! Because the month is..." and then pause for me to say the month. And then say "No!" and correct me with the day of the week.

* When I picked up Angelica from daycare yesterday, I was feeling absolutely rotten. (In fact, I still am today. I feel like that Katy Perry song..."I'm hot then I'm cold...") Anyway, I was grumbling under my breath about not feeling well, and I guess she heard me over the music and said, "Aww, Mommy! What's the matter?" So I said I didn't feel good, and she said "Want me to get you some med-a-cine?" Melt my heart!

* One night when I was putting her to bed, she looked at me and said, "I love you Mommy! I love you!" I know for a lot of people, this is no big deal. My daughter is a lot like me though...she is just not expressive with her feelings (aside from tantrums) it felt really nice to hear that coming from her, unprompted. She also followed it up with "Nite nite, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite! Sweet dreams!"

* Last Friday, she was DOG TIRED after school, and just laid on the floor and whined while I cooked dinner. She refused to get in her chair to eat, saying, "I'm too tired!" so I said, "Well, then do you want to just go to bed?" to which she replied, "But I'm not tired!"

* Later this year we might be going on a trip up north for Scott's cousin's wedding, and I made the mistake of asking Angelica if she wanted to go. At first, she FREAKED OUT about going on an airplane, because it was "too scary". Like, so scared she was physically shaking and crying at just the thought of it. This was SO strange since (1) she went on a plane at 15 months and LOVED it (and so did I, since she slept through most of the trip up) and (2) Since then, we haven't even talked about flying on a plane, so I have no idea what would have made her think it would be scary. But, now she asks me every single day if we can go on an airplane, and then when I say, "Soon" she says, "Yeah! When the month is...?"

* She is going to be a purple kitty for Halloween. She's already told me this. She's also told me that her friend Rylie is going to be a ghost, and the ghost is going to scare her, and she's going to say, "MeowAHHH!" because that's what scared kitties say. Except, the "ahh" part is a really loud, long, high-pitched squeal.

* Also, if I haven't mentioned it before, she's starting to be able to read a handful of small words. She's got Cat, Dog, Dad, Mom, and Hat. And she is genuinely reading them, as in, even when the words aren't in front of her, she will spell them, or if she sees them on a sign while we're driving, or in a book (or anywhere, really), she'll point the word out and say, "Look! That says ____!" She's really only consistent with Cat and Dog, but the others she gets about 75% of the time.

* She can write the letter A. And draw a sunshine. And aliens, with three eyes, and two arms, and four legs.

1 comment:

Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas said...

hope you are feeling better & she is simply too stinkin cute!!!!!