August 8, 2011

On the mend and ready to go!

It's Monday, which means it's the typical day for my weight loss posts, and honestly, today I have nothing to report because I forgot to get on the scale this morning. Oops. I'm sure it's NOT pretty, though.

I'm coming off of a really rough week. I alluded to it a few times last week, but I had bronchitis and/or pneumonia and it was terrible. Wheezing at night. Fever of 101. Body aches, pains, incessant coughing (which, by the end of it, felt like my ribs were about to split apart). Needless to say, hitting the gym was out of the question and I probably turned to comfort food more than I should have.

Today is a new day though! Once I got to feeling better, I called and scheduled some make-up sessions with my trainer, and for the next few weeks I'll be seeing him twice a week so he can whip my butt into shape. This guy is seriously amazing, too. He gave me some nutrition pointers for the weekend and told me, in his words: "I'm YOUR trainer. If you have a question, just CALL ME. You need some help while you're at the grocery store? CALL ME."

Tonight will be my first training session in almost two weeks and I cannot WAIT. I am super duper psyched to get in there and work hard. I may still have a bit of a lingering cough but I'm still ready to just hit the gym hard and work out like a madwoman.

1 comment:

Sandy @ Journey To Our Home said...

Sorry to hear you've been so sick.
I had a friend in college, and whenever I would start to feel sick he would drag me on a 3 mile run (I didn't normally run). Once I would get back to my dorm room, I would crash for about a day giving my body the time it needed to repair itself. Worked every time. Now, had I not been on those runs I probably wouldn't have crashed as hard as I did, or got better as quickly.

Good luck getting back on the exercise track!!
