August 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: 365 Days of Angelica August 3 - August 9 {Linky}

August 3, 2011

August 4, 2011

August 5, 2011 - she is both Dorothy AND the cowardly lion!

August 6, 2011 - at cousin Anna's third birthday party!

August 7, 2011 - swimming wore her out. We were about to go to the grocery store,
packed up our stuff, looked over at her and she was sound asleep. Scott went to the store alone :)

August 8, 2011

August 9, 2011

(Days you may have missed: 365 Days of Angelica project.)

For more Wordless Wednesday fun, check out The Life of Rylie...and Bryce Too!, The Florida Hogans, and Shibley Smiles!


Scott said...


I love this girl so much. I guarantee that no one else who comments will love her more than me. :)

Carrie with Children said...

That Dorothy and Cowardly Lion picture is the BEST! I love it!

Sippy Cup Mom said...

I love the picture of her on the slide!

Cori said...

L.O.V.E the photo of her hitting the pinata at Cousin Anna's birthday!!

Lori said...

I can't wait to see her pictures each week Scott, we know you love your little girl daddy:)she's a doll.
I love the first one in her dress with her Dora shoes, that's too cute!
They all are beautiful!

Beth said...

Such cuteness. I am impressed with the pictures every day. With three in my house, I could never keep up with that task! Kudos!

LeeAnn said...

Where are her rain boots? I know she has some! ;-)

I think we have finally "retired" Rylie's Dora shoes. LMAO