November 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Pumpkin Patch, Trip #2

(I know I left everyone hanging on the last blog post. Surgery went just fine! They got all of the skin cancer, and I'm healing nicely. I'll probably have a small scar, but honestly, when I first took the bandage off and saw how everything turned out, I was really surprised at how "nice" it looked. I was expecting gore and carnage but it actually looks like it will heal nicely. And very little pain, too. I've only taken Tylenol twice since the surgery. Hooray for modern medicine!)

This week's Wordless Wednesday is from the trip we took to the pumpkin patch with my niece and nephew. I LOVE these kids! I took a ton of pictures (and I mean, a TON), but these four are my favorites.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad the surgery went well!