December 7, 2011

Mommy, tell me about Baby Angelica

The past couple of weeks, Angelica has been very interested in how she was as a baby. One night, she asked me to read a book that was a favorite of hers before she even turned a year old, and I mentioned how she loved that book as a baby, and she loved it so much that her first copy got worn out and I had to buy a replacement.

(For reference, that book was Baby Einstein's Touch and Feel Baby Animals. Angelica now calls it "the fuzzy book".)

Ever since telling her that story, she will pull it off the shelf and tell me, "When I was a baby, I loved the fuzzy book, and then it broke and you had to buy me a new one and then I was a big girl!"

So this story about a book has turned into her asking me to tell her a story about Baby Angelica almost every night. She absolutely loves to hear about the sweet and silly things she did as a baby, and looking at it from an adult perspective, I feel like it gives her a real sense of who she is and how she became the amazing kid she is now.

Tonight she asked to see a picture of Baby Angelica, so I showed her the hospital photos we had done, and she asked what dress she was wearing. That dress still hangs in her closet, so I took it out and showed her. She said, " small! That wouldn't fit me now!" And I replied with, "Would you believe when we took that picture, this dress was too big?"

I also practically had her in tears from laughing so hard about some of the things she did as a baby. For example, when she was first learning how to talk, she would pick up one our cell phones, hold it up to her ear and say, "Hello? Chip? Wassup? Goodbye!"

As I was rubbing her back, she was quiet and still, and I thought she was asleep. Then, out of nowhere, she busts out laughing! She had started to drift off and then remembered what I'd told her about the phones, and she just couldn't stop laughing. It was kind of amazing.

But, wasn't it just yesterday that she WAS Baby Angelica? It feels like yesterday she was, and now I'm telling stories about that baby to BIG girl Angelica. Kind of surreal.

1 comment:

Rita M said...

Your best post to date...
what mom couldn't identify.
Thanks for sharing.