March 26, 2012

Monday Moment of Truth - The Beginning

I've been wanting to start blogging about weight loss again, but I wasn't sure how to get started. I didn't want to jump on a bandwagon, so I didn't want to start it up as a McFatty Monday...though that was fun at the time. I chose "Monday Moment of Truth" because that's what every Monday morning has been for me lately. Every Monday I step on the scale and have a moment of total shock.

This morning I was 270.6. I haven't weighed that much in...well...I can't remember. 2009, maybe? I know my highest weight since giving birth to Angelica was 277, and at some point in 2010 I got down to 245, then got up to 155 again before dropping down to 241 for a short time last year after a super sucky six week period where I couldn't eat or sleep. Not exactly the healthiest way to lose it.

I want to get down to a healthy weight. During that sucky six month period I alluded to above, the one thing I kept telling myself was that I had to do my very best to eat (even when I didn't feel like it) because I needed to be healthy and strong and in a year's time, I would look back on that sucky, sucky time and be so proud of how far I came. I intend to make good on that promise to myself.

So, Couch to 5k is going well. I'm on Week 3, and although I had to take a day off from it to tend to a sick kid (more on that in another post), I'm still going strong. I've also been regularly attending yoga classes and just signed up for Zumba as well. The only missing piece in my plan is that I hate, hate, hate tracking food and calories, so I haven't been. But now I'm going to bite the bullet and just do it.

Next week I hope to have happier news, or at least have a weight that doesn't start with a 27.

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