March 13, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday

The week before Angelica and I moved up to Boston (Scott came up a week before we did), I had to make a Target run after work and of course, Angelica had to come with me. I really wanted to be in and out of the store quickly, so I told her if she behaved she could choose a toy from the dollar section up front. She held up her end of the deal, so after I grabbed the one item I needed, she got to pick something.

She didn't want a toy, though. She wanted to get a set of Valentine's Day bud vases for me. I tried and tried to steer her toward the toys, but she really wanted me to have these bud vases. So she "bought" them for me (and I snuck a toy in the cart for her, too).

Yesterday we went to the playground after school, since the sun is still up when we get home now, and she picked up two leaves, or "flowers" as she called them, as we were walking back to our house. When we walked in the door, she took off up the stairs and I asked her where she was going. She said, "To put the flowers in the vase." At the time, I was clueless as to what she was saying, and since she has been all about imaginative play, I figured she was just imagining a flower vase in her dollhouse or something.

After she went to bed, I went up to my room, and was pleasantly taken aback when I found that she had placed the "flowers" in the bud vases she bought me, which I had placed on my dresser.

And that's the story behind this picture.

1 comment:

Reagan and Trevor's Mommy said...

I swear that is the sweetest thing ever! I love it! And I have a feeling those $1 vases just might become family heirlooms. :-)