March 8, 2012

Organic Hair Products for Children from Fairy Tales - Review

I recently had the opportunity to review some organic hair care products for children from Fairy Tales. The opportunity couldn't have come at a better time. We had just moved to Boston, I was almost out of shampoo and conditioner for Angelica, and I was looking for an organic alternative to her shampoo and conditioner, plus I was looking for a leave-in product to help combat static electricity that was making her hair stand on end.

Fairy Tales sent me full-sized bottles of their organic shampoo, organic conditioner, and organic static-free leave in conditioner.

Having used Fairy Tales organic hair care products on Angelica's hair for about a month now, I can definitely say that they are good quality.

Here is an item-by-item breakdown of what I thought:

Tear-Free Organic Conditioning Shampoo: Angelica really liked the smell of the shampoo. It wasn't overpowering like some children's haircare products can be, and lived up to the tear-free claim. A little bit goes a long way with this shampoo, so a full-sized bottle (12 oz) will last awhile.

Organic Detangling Conditioner: This was the first separate conditioner I've ever used on Angelica's hair. She's got very fine hair, with a little bit of curl at the end and I didn't want a product that would build up in her hair and make it look limp. Like the shampoo, a little bit goes a long way, and the conditioner had a very nice, light scent. It didn't weigh her hair down, but it did straighten out her curls. Overall, I really liked it, I just don't think Angelica's hair is the type that needs a conditioner right now.

Organic Static-Free Leave In Detangling Spray: Both Angelica and I thought this was the most effective product for winter hair care. Having superfine hair, after we moved up here, Angelica spent a lot of time with her hair standing on end, thanks to the dry air and static electricity. I was really excited to use this product and I am so glad to say it works like a charm! We finally stopped shocking each other every time she held my hand, and she also stopped perpetually looking like she had been electrocuted.

All three products are 12 oz and only $8.95 through That's a great price for organic hair care products for children, and since you don't have to use a lot, a bottle will last awhile. (I've had them for a month and haven't even used half yet -- but Angelica has short hair so your mileage may vary.)

The only criticism I have of the products is that they have an organic claim but do not have the USDA organic seal on the bottle, so I don't know if they're certified organic. They do, however, use organic herbs in the product and exclude methylparaben and sodium laureth sulfate, which is a step up from conventional hair care products.

All in all, this crunchy mama gives Fairy Tales Hair Care a thumbs up! I would buy these products again!

Disclosure: I received these products free of charge from Fairy Tales Hair Care via Team Mom for purposes of this review. I received no other compensation for this post and receipt of products has not influenced my opinion. This post represents my point of view/opinion and is in not intended to be interpreted as professional advice or recommendations. Thanks to Fairy Tales and Team Mom for sponsoring this product reviews.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great! I am glad companies are focusing on organic products for children. I hate to see all of those chemically based products marketed towards children. I use a good amount of olive oil based products for my children. It keeps their hair and scalp healthy with out all those chemical additives. Having a organic root stimulator can do wonders on a head of hair that may be damaged. I recommend looking into olive oil or tea tree oil products if your child has an itchy head. Thanks for the post.