June 4, 2012

Angelica's 4th Birthday Party!

What a weekend! On Saturday we celebrated Angelica's friend Corey's birthday, and then on Sunday we celebrated Angelica's birthday! Two parties in one weekend when you're hosting one of them is a busy, busy weekend, but it was wonderful!

Angelica loved every second of her party! She had fourteen of her best friends from daycare come to the party, as well as her Grandpa Joe! They had such a blast, and at the end of the party, the owner of the place where we had her party complimented the kids on being so well behaved. She said she rarely sees a group of kids that play so well together and asked if they all went to daycare together, so we said yes, and she said they must do a good job there. To which Scott replied, "For what we pay them, they better!" (SO true!)

Anyway, here's some of the fun that was had!

Even though she's My Little Pony obsessed, she asked for a Diego cake. This was the closest I could find ;)

Holding up 4 fingers because she's 4 :)

After we got home, she got to open her presents. At this point she really wasn't feeling well. I knew she was starting to come down with something but was in good spirits so we didn't cancel the party...and by the time we got home and she got about halfway through her presents, she was wiped out. She asked to take a bath and go to bed as soon as she finished, and was asleep before the sun went down which never happens. But, she still had so much fun. And we're home resting today since she's still not feeling well.

Here she is opening presents!

She was definitely done by this point. She looks SO tired.

I loved this so much. I think this little boy really likes Angelica, don't you?? SO sweet!
Happy birthday again, sweet Gellie!! I can't believe this time next year she will be five! (And I'm not even going to think about that again until next May!)

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