June 8, 2012

Five Question Friday - 6/8/12

 Happy FRIDAY! I am so glad it's finally here! We don't have any big plans this weekend, but that's the best part about it...we can do whatever we want or nothing at all. It will be a NICE break after the birthday parties, Memorial day celebrations and Mother's Day weekends we've had...not that those weren't fun, but I am definitely feeling the impact of being perpetually busy.

1. Did you do anything special for your kids on the last day of school? Or did you parents do anything special for you?

No last day of school for us yet -- and unfortunately, being a working mom, I don't think there will ever truly be a "last day of school" for Angelica.

2. What's your favorite summer tradition with your children?

In Florida, we used to eagerly anticipate the opening of the splash pad...and this summer, in Boston, is really no different. Through the help of some wonderful local moms I've met, I've found some awesome "spray decks" and "wading pools" as they call them up here. Hopefully we'll have time to visit one this weekend!

3. What was your favorite thing to do during the summer as a kid?

Sleeping in. For real. I was always a kid who loved her sleep! Second to that would be swimming!

4. How old were you when you were married? Were you a Bridezilla?

I had just turned 25. Scott was only 22. We were YOUNG! I don't think I was a Bridezilla, but I guess you would have to ask my bridesmaids to be sure. I was never the type that had this vision of a "perfect wedding" and in fact, a few months before the wedding we seriously entertained the idea of calling off the big ceremony and heading to the courthouse. In hindsight, kind of I wish we had. :)

5. What is your favorite girl name? (I'm needing suggestions.)

I love the names Angelica and Josephine, obviously. As I entertain possibilities for future daughters (we already have a boy name so I don't have to think about that), I'm partial to Alexandra, Vanessa, Victoria, Marissa, Harper, Kylie, Daniella, Danielle, and Sophia (even though I love this name, though, I wouldn't use it -- it's become far to trendy). I'm pretty sure if we have a future daughter, her middle name will be Francesca, and a lot of these names sound really "matchy" next to it. But people don't really think that much of middle names, either so I'm trying not to over think it.

1 comment:

Karen Greenberg said...

I dumped the big wedding plans about three months before our wedding, and we got married at the Grand Canyon Deer Farm. I'm so glad we didn't do the big wedding thing. It was making me crazy, and my mother-in-law was the one becoming the Bridezilla. That was scary.