June 11, 2012

Monday Moment of Truth: The June Weight Loss Edition

I think the last time I blogged about my weight loss efforts was back in April, right after I broke my toe. Well, the toe took three weeks to heal and four weeks after the incident that precipitated the broken toe, I got back to running. I decided to take a step back one week on the C25k program, so I wasn't starting all over, but I did give my body a chance to catch up.

So here I am, about to start week SIX of Couch 2 5k. I think this is about where I threw in the towel and quit back in 2010 -- not because it was too hard, but because, honestly, I think I was scared of completing it. I know that sounds weird. But I have a nasty habit of getting thisclose to finishing something and stopping just because I'm afraid of what comes after the finish line.

This time I can't quit though. I have a race that I'm running on 7/12, and I have a large group of coworkers who are running with me and so I have an impetus to finish. And I'm actually looking forward to it -- AND I have a plan for "what comes after" as well, so that I don't fall into the trap I fell into in 2010.

The running itself is really going well. I had a good, nearly 20 minute straight run on Friday, which is a definite improvement over six weeks ago when I was begging for mercy after 60 seconds. I only had to stop running 16 minutes into it because my stomach got upset. But I felt truly amazing that I made it that long. I gave myself mental high fives. All I know is -- when I left work, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. But I pushed myself to at least try. And I made it. I ran 16 out of the 20 minutes and then hit the weight machines.

As far as the actual weight loss goes, though...that's a disappointment. I'm sitting at 276.4 as of this morning. Six pounds up from where I was in April, and despite the fact that I am at the gym almost every single day, that number is actually going up. I wish I could blame it on water retention or muscle gain, but my scale measures both of those numbers and neither has budged. I would love to be below 270 by the end of the month, but that may be an ambitious goal.

My good friend and I have an accountability group on Facebook (it's just the two of us) where we cheer each other on. She has been sick and hasn't been able to do the exercise, but she did the healthy eating, whereas I (admittedly) have been eating crap. She has lost like 5lbs since we started over a month ago. I have gained 2 since we started. I think the takeaway there is that exercise is important for many reasons but when it comes to losing weight, the proof is in that you really can't outtrain a bad diet. So there's that. I bought a bunch of healthy foods this week so we'll see next Monday what that impact was.

But, as my minister said in her sermon at church yesterday (which I know is out of context for the sake of this blog post, but I'm mentioning for the fact that I'm borrowing her phrase)...onward and upward, onward and upward. So here I go, onward and upward! And may the scale go downward.


Sippy Cup Mom said...

I hear you on the weight frustrations, I hate when I'm working out and not losing!

But you are doing AMAZING with your running!

Xenia said...

I'm so impressed with your running - congrats on sticking to it and keep it up!

I completely agree with the fact that diet is extremely important when it comes to weight loss. I've had the same frustrations in the past with working out and not seeing the scale go down... it seems to be all about eating healthy!

The Rebel Chick said...

losing weight is a slow and tedious process, hang in there!

Emily - faliLV said...

I applaud you and your running! Keep up the hard work!
I had the same issue with weight loss while working out - I didn't see a change until I joined WW. Then it was a big change. Good Luck!! You are doing great!

Annie said...

Losing weight is so slow and discouraging at this part. It really is about eating right AND exercising - I know you can do it!

Unknown said...

You are doing great! Keep it up you'll reach your goals!

Alissa said...

I'm so excited for you to be so close to finishing your first running goal! (I say first, because it sounds like you'll be running long after you've completed the C25k.

One foot in front of the other, that's all you can do. (And you're doing an amazing job with it!)

Keep up the great work!

LeeAnn said...

Girl, you are doing awesome with the running! I can't run 5 seconds, so for you to be able to run for 16 minutes is great!

Brian and I were just talking about the whole weight loss/exercising thing tonight. I am feeling a little extra flabby this week and I mentioned that I would like to start working out again. I even said "even though exercising doesn't help you lose weight, it does make you feel better."

The only way I have ever lost weight is with pure self deprivation. I lost a ton of weight in a short period of time eating absolutely no carbs. Now when I want to lose weight, I stick to a diet under 1,500 calories a day. It sucks, but it is in my genes to be fat, so I have to work hard to stay small-ish.

Good luck to you. Keep it up!

Lolo @ Crazy About My Baybah said...

Kuddos to you for kicking butt at running! I would not worry about the weight gain. Remember muscle weighs more than fat. You are doing great!!