August 13, 2012

Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies Review and Giveaway

fiber one brownies
I am always looking for a low calorie treat that will satisfy my sweet tooth. Too often, I find myself reaching in the pantry for the big box of brownie mix, and, well, you and I both know that while it might taste good, it doesn't end well for my waistline. I recently got the chance to review the chocolate chip cookie flavor of Fiber One's 90 Calorie Brownies, and I have to say, I may have found the solution!

fiber one brownies package

First and foremost, the Fiber One brownies satisfy your sweet tooth while providing 20% of your daily fiber requirement, which is good, because it means this treat is a low calorie solution that will stick with you.

fiber one brownies nutrition facts
Fiber One Brownies Nutrition Facts, right from the package.
These brownies are really good! Because I like warm brownies, I stuck mine in the microwave for 10 seconds and had it with a glass of skim milk. I was surprised at how good it was. I usually stay away from "diet" foods because they usually don't taste good enough to be worth the calories, but I really liked this one. I'll definitely be buying these again!

fiber one brownies chocolate chip cookie
Just look at this brownie. Mmmmm....

And, because the folks at General Mills are so generous, in addition to the brownies, they sent this awesome gift pack to me, and now you can win one too!

fiber one brownies giveaway
You'll get everything you see here!
If you want to win, just fill out the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I received a gift pack for review, but did not receive any additional compensation. I was not required to write a favorable review, and the above post reflects my opinion. Thanks to My Blog Spark and Fiber One for offering review and giveaway prizes!


Rita M said...

During the wintertime it is a little harder, but right now - fresh fruit does the trick.

Susieq said...

I just love a big red juicy apple. Fills me up and keeps me going until the next meal.

Susieq said...

You know my email. And my phone number. It wouldn't hurt to use them sometime. Hint hint...

degood said...

I eat a handful of frozen blueberries or raspberries that I freeze when we pick them in the summer.

Ani said...

Yum! I love learning about new yummy treats that arent going to hurt my waistline! I hope I win so I can try!!

buzzd said...

try to eat fresh fruit instead

Cinderella10383 said...

I actually always keep fruit around to curb my sweet tooth, Strawberries do amazing when you want something sweet.

Jamie Brigham
PrettyInPinkWife @ aol dot com

pmj said...

I'll have a small piece of candy.
pjames330 at aol dot com

marymichelotti said...

Fresh fruit!


LeeAnn said...

Coffee with flavored creamer curbs my appetite and satisfies my sweet tooth. :-)

Unknown said...

I eat fruit - just as sweet and far better for me.

Beki Lozano said...

strawberrys and a lil bit of whip cream!

Unknown said...

I chew the dessert flavored gums

Cassie Eastman said...

I try to eat fruit, especially watermelon in the summer!