February 22, 2013

Five Question Friday: 2/22/13

I'm trying so hard to get back into blogging lately -- as you may have noticed, I updated earlier this week on Angelica's age four well visit, and how we weathered her first blizzard. We're all pretty busy these days though so the blog has definitely been on the back burner. Work has been wonderful, but incredibly busy. Scott's job has been the same, but he's also in college full-time doing online classes, in programming no less, so that keeps him busy. Then there's all the requisite kid activities -- birthday parties and such -- which keep our weekends full but fun.

Anyway, in an effort to keep the blog going, here's this week's Five Question Friday post!

1. What is a hobby you would love to learn and why? 
I love scrapbooks, but if I'm being totally honest, I'm not very good at scrapbooking. I've always got great ideas for it, but when it comes to actually having to take the time to put it together, my ADD takes over and I just can't get it done.

2. What do you wish you could have delivered to your house but does not deliver? 
This is an easy one! We NEED an ice cream delivery service. Not just an ice cream truck because those just come along randomly, but a place where I can call, order a milkshake, and they'll bring it to me.

3. What's your favorite snow day activity? Inside and out? 
Inside: Baking! I love to bake regardless, but a snowy day gives me a good excuse to bake ALL THE THINGS. We made cookies and homemade hot cocoa from scratch during the blizzard and it was awesome.

Outside: Jumping into giant mountains of snow. And watching Angelica sledding.

4. Would you meet a stranger from an Internet dating site? 
True story: I did once, in college. The date actually went really, really well and he was a nice guy, but I just didn't feel a spark with him. We kept in touch off and on for awhile afterward and he told me that I was the first girl to ever break his heart because he really liked me but I didn't feel the same. I believe he and my sister went on a date once a few years later too.

5. If you had to spend 35 hours in a car with 4 other people, who would you choose?
Scott, because I love his company. My sister, to help keep us all sane. My BFF Sam, for a million reasons, but if I had to pick one, because she has the BEST stories. And my other BFF, May, because she's known me since we were bratty teenagers, is one of kindest and most generous people I know, and makes me laugh.


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